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Corona in the elk wood episode 4: Emil and Kalle

by | May 9, 2020 | Corona in the elk wood

Kalle the donkey and elk Emil from our kids’ series Corona in the elk wood.

Puppet theatre for kids — our kids’ series

In episode 4 of our 8-part puppet theatre series for kids you will find out why Kalle the donkey doesn’t have to stay home at all. What will happen next, you can discover here on our blog on Monday.

Corona in the elk wood is an own production of the KOBALT Figurentheater Lübeck for families, and children older than three.

Corona in the elk wood episode 4: Emil and Kalle

What’s that? Why doesn’t Kalle the donkey have to stay at home? You and Emil the elk will find out in episode 4. The Figurentheater Lübeck, the KOBALT puppeteers and the Theaterfigurenmuseum hope you have a good time with Hugo, Paulina and their friends from the elk wood.

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